the final threshold -
the bridge is crossed, so stand
and watch it burn."
So now that the background music in your head has become "The Point of No Return" from Phantom of the Opera, our conversation today might resonate with you. The point of no return is something that is common in our society, though we hardly speak of it as such. Many of the choices we make in our lives can find meaning in the burning Opera House as we hatch our best plans to achieve worthy ends. Perhaps the problem in such places is that we don't really think of changing our lives forever with certain choices, or that the effects of our choices change other peoples lives forever. Today I'll only address three, but keep in mind there are far more than these.
The first point of no return we deal with in life is that of birth. Nobody gets to go back in the womb after they have come out (unless they take the entire womb). As my wife and I have been married five years this question is thrown at me every so often, "When is Jayrod Junior coming?" I could answer with the fact that in all my wife's dreams we only have daughters, or talk about our psychological issues we are facing now so we don't screw up our kids later, but the main reason is simply this: We are not prepared to have kids yet. It is because we know this is a point of no return. When you have a child they have passed their first point of no return, but as a parent you should be used to this, and you owe it to them to give them the best life you are capable of giving them.
I know a lot of people who are really unhappy in their marriages because they made the choice to have children too soon. Either they listened to a religious leader who said "It is selfish to not have children immediately after marriage," just weren't responsible with their birth control, or they were so baby hungry that they just couldn't wait. My wife made a boundary early in our marriage that I have honored stating that until I took care of my issues we would not have any. Funny thing is that boundary eventually became about our issues. You can tell us how wrong that is or that we are "sinning," but the bottom line is: We don't care what you think. We care what our children will think, and we know they will thank us for putting their welfare first. The poor choices of our parents affected us, likewise as did their wise choices. We want more wise choices to affect our children.
Another point of no return in life is marriage itself. Obviously we have stopped regarding it as such, or else there wouldn't be such a high rate of divorce in the world today. Some folks think of marriage like purchasing a house. You get a starter spouse this year, to divorce them and later have your second who you hope to keep a lot longer. But by marrying them you tie yourself to them both socially and emotionally. It isn't as easy to disengage as just saying "I'm leaving." You might see this on the outside, but there is emotional trauma underneath the surface, because it was a point of NO return. Women leave those relationships believing men are all scum, or that something was wrong with them. Men leave those relationships believing women are conniving whores and think they can treat them as less than human. Mind you I'm not saying that is what everyone thinks, but trauma of that nature does occur.
I know because when I came home from Iraq the first time, my wife told me she wanted a divorce. The wounds those words left were deep. I scrambled to save my new marriage, and found myself failing for nearly three years and each time I heard those words "I want a divorce" I was even more traumatized. If we had divorced, I would not have walked out of that marriage the same man who went into it. Because just like marriage, divorce is also a point of no return. Or perhaps we should refer to these points a little differently. They are changing points in life. They are like earthquakes, so life changing that the past looks entirely different to us afterwards. And we wonder how we survived before that experience.
The last point of no return and perhaps the final is death. After one dies, there really is no returning. Not to life as you knew it. Whether you believe in life after death, or just getting put in the ground, Death changes everything. It is the final quake that reshapes the worlds of the people around you. Most of us don't think about death, we just figure that we'll go on living until we die. We don't prepare for it. And saddest of all, we often don't live like we are going to die. I'll repeat that.
We don't live like we are going to die.

Thanks for reading my rant. Hopefully you got something out of it. Whether to make your life better or to make your fiction more realistic. I'm Jayrod Garrett, the First OG, and I hope that you navigate the points of no return successfully. Peace, peoples!
What are some of the points of no return, you've successfully navigated?
How bold and honest!
ReplyDeleteThere are very few things that are set in stone. Most everything, no matter how big or important we perceive it to be, is temporary. Even tattoos can be removed; painfully and expensively. :0)
The term 'point of no return' was initially used when during travel, like on a ship, if something went wrong it made more sense to continue to the destination then to turn around and go back.
If a woman has a child, even if she gives it up for adoption, she will still always be a mother. Is the point of no return being pregnant? Or is it giving birth? Just a thought as I was reading your blog.
To answer your question, I think addiction is a point of no return. Once the behavior is learned, for the rest of a persons life they will be an addict. This is not to say that addiction can't be managed and recovered from, but a person is always an addict once they have crossed the bridge of becoming addicted to something. I haven't touched a cigarette in over 5 years, but I still think about having one from time to time.
You are totally right. The point of no return is used mostly during travel, but it has special implications when we apply it to our lives.
DeleteAnd for your question about a woman having a child, I think the point of no return might be different for every woman. If she loses the child due to miscarriage she won't be a mother, but if she gives it up for adoption she would be. Some points of no return are ambiguous.
Addiction certainly is a point of no return. Once you are an addict, you are always an addict. You can be in recovery, or living the addiction. Those are the only choices you have once the addiction is yours. Thanks for your response!
I liked this son. Sometimes people go in for an excess of the "Jesus always forgives" line of thought. I think, perhaps, but life and the laws of nature and choice can be cruel and unrelenting. For some it requires getting past middle age and experienceing TRUE REMORSE, sometimes every day. I have met many school friends on facebook who have truly seen the "worm turn", and have suffered greater tribulation than any could imagine. Some of my classmates, on the other hand live life like it is a continuation of one great big high school "keg party". If they weren't so immature and disgusting I could feel sorry for them,(Sorry son, I'm not as noble and non judgemental as you are.) but old age and the grave are great equalizers, for all must stand before God. Great insights of wisdom. I watched an episode of "Gunsmoke" yesterday called "The Iron Men." It was the story of an addiction. A classic line: "I guess the itch will always be there, but I don't have to scratch it. An over simplification perhaps, but true.
ReplyDeleteThanks Dad. Your thoughts here add a great deal to the conversation. Thanks for always commenting. :D