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This was made by a fan before the movie came out. |
Now that I've plugged Avengers, we'll move on to the Mashup. Most of them are writer related today, just to let you know.
David Powers King shows us how to set up a villian in: "Tuesday Tropes: Kick the Dog."
Heather Adkins, a formatting Guru shares tips on how to format ebooks in: "Ask a Formating Expert: Answers."
J.A. Bennett shares a few great high school dating stories in "Pancakes, Blue Suits, and U-hauls."
Lisa J. Jackson talks about how she deals with super typing in writers flow in: "Grammar-ease – When the words outpace the fingers."
Donna K. Weaver shares something she learned on how to make better characters in: "Storymaker Conference Report - POV."
Shah Wharton has a great contest going for Storytellers you can read more about here in: "The Storyteller Writing Challenge."
Nathan Bransford had a really great article that helped lift me up called: "How to Keep Writing When the S*** Hits the Fan ."
Jay Noel shares some awesome music for writing to as well as why a person might use music when writing in: "Music to Write To."
Karen Sandler points out how the unimportant has no place in fiction in: "Give Every Scene a Purpose."
S.E. Sinkhorn teaches us all how we can use Pinterest to help us with our writing in: "Pinterest Tips for Writing."
Ingrid Schaffenburg as always shares some great relationship advice that everyone should remember in: "Lookin' for Love."
Kristen Lamb shares more her ideas about how Writers can survive in the new world in: "The Age of the Artist–Time for a Revolution."
Piper Bayard spreads sunshine and happiness in her post titled: "Making TSA Underwear Bomber Gropes Exciting."
Lisa Taylor brings it home for us today with sharing about Science and Writing in: "ScienceBucks and Scientific Writing!"
Now listen to Classical Spy Music. Enjoy!
I'm not complaining this week. I'm still struggling with this goal, but you'll know when its done. I'll probably post my essay on Pride and Prejudice here when I'm done.
5. Spending time everyday with a spiritual source.
Morning and Evening is still a great resource and I'm working hard at making more time for prayer too.
6. Finishing homework from Group Therapy.
Last week I finished my Homework for Group Therapy, and this week I'm running behind because my wife has been sick and our foster has been home a lot. But I'm hoping to get through the rest of this today. Therapy is tonight and when you don't have the work done, it is harder to share in group.
I'm feeling really good about this past week. Don't ask me why. I didn't meet my goals as well as I would have liked, but I feel like I'm in a better place in the journey than I was a week ago. And perhaps that is the most important thing. Thanks for reading and here's the link if you would like check out my friends in ROW80. I'm Jayrod Garrett, the First OG. Peace People!
5. Spending time everyday with a spiritual source.
Morning and Evening is still a great resource and I'm working hard at making more time for prayer too.
6. Finishing homework from Group Therapy.
Last week I finished my Homework for Group Therapy, and this week I'm running behind because my wife has been sick and our foster has been home a lot. But I'm hoping to get through the rest of this today. Therapy is tonight and when you don't have the work done, it is harder to share in group.

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